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Regular meeting January 27, 2025 at 8682 Lansing Avenue Fire Station @ 6:30 pm

Call to order:  time 6:30 pm

Roll call:  Jim Lindstrom- chairman, Jon Hoffman-member, Brandon Adams- ex-officio member from TB, Jan Hayward – secretary, Mark Stevenson-member.

Agenda Approval/Changes:

Review and approve minutes: November 25, 2024 regular PC meeting


  1. ZBA
  2. TB ex-officio member
  3. Other PC members


  1. Set 2025 PC calendar
  2. Elect PC officers : chairman, vice-chairman, secretary
  3. Secretary submit 2024 PC summary of meetings
  4. Continue Review of Section 17 of Zoning Ordinance and update as appropriate with help from Kade Peck, planner from Region 2.
  5. Public comments invited

Guidelines for public comments:

  1. To ensure that everyone that would like to speak gets an opportunity to be heard, comment and floor time is 3 minutes per speaker.
  2. You will be recognized by the sign-up sheet for comments.
  3. Please state your name and address for the record.
  4. Please refrain from profanity and personal attacks.